3 kids
1 school
17 teachers
3 jobs
2 principals
25+ friends
10 years at Meadow Lane
This guy "graduated" yesterday from Meadow Lane.
And then we walked out of the building that I've been in for so long. I'm the sentimental type...I LOVE my school. But I love those people more. I wish I could hug each one and they would feel how very important they were to our family. Three of them taught my kids to read! One of them helped our kids love music, another love reading, love drawing and yet another to love running, playing and being the silly mascot.
Teaching is one thing, a valuable thing, what these people have done is love my boys. An invaluable thing to me.
Chris, Becky, Mesha, Chanda, Kim, Julie, Lyndsey, Jill, Michelle W., Brian and Terry and all the amazing teachers at ML. Thank you!!!