This man left us tonight, a few days short of being 99. That is a long time to live, and even tho we knew it was coming....it was still kind of shocking. He's had a hard year, with breaking his hip, being forced to live somewhere he didn't want to, fighting to keep his mind sharp. So one might think it would be easier to say...Oh, he's better off now...and he is, I won't argue that at all. But it's still my grandpa. My mom's daddy. His mind was as sharp as a tack until recently. So it's hard to let him go. You know? Something about him being just down the road....knowing he's there and now he's not. This man made me a swing set out of a cherry picker frame, read to me in his chair, made the best popcorn, could fix anything, always had a story to tell, hugged me....this is where my mind went tonight. Love you Grandpa....
Sharla, I'm so sorry for your loss.