He did not think she was cute. He said he would try to find her a home. The cat was scrawny, I'm talking bones and some fur. She was SO dirty, and had grease caked in her fur. She wouldn't stop talking tho, and ate like there was no tomorrow. I'm sure she thought I'm probably outta here tomorrow so I'd better eat everything they have. I fed her cat food, but she wanted everything. Cheetoes, strawberries, cherrioes...you name it, she ate it. Thus the name Piggy. She ate like that till the very end. Daddy never did find her another home. She had him wrapped around her paw in no time.
She was a sassy cat, one time Brian was picking on me back when we were dating, and I was fake whining and said Piggy! Bite him....SHE DID IT! This was the kind of cat she was. Protective, sassy but loyal. Piggy would tear apart any cat that came on the property, even at 20 years old! But she tolerated Leo...could never figure out why she didn't try to kill him too. We'll miss her...we sure do get attached to the little critters. Hug your cat tonight :-)
You are loved, Sharla
We will miss our Pig-O-Let...