Sunday, January 30, 2011


Thought it would be funny to have this background for awhile...just so you know, I work in a library at the elementary school nearby and I love my job.  I love books, the way they smell, the covers and getting lost in them.  I always have a book by my bed and try to read a little everyday.  Currently I have 3 books ready to go.  I just finished one about a mystery that takes place in New Hampshire and I can't even remember the title.  That impacting.  Keep in mind, it's about a 5th grade level book.  Next up is Lineage of Grace, by Francine Rivers.  My all time favorite author, she wrote Redeeming Love...if  you haven't read it, go get it right now.  I'll wait...

Anyway...working at Meadow Lane has been a blessing.  Mesha, my head librarian is a hoot.  Everyday we are finding someway to forget something, misplace something or wonder where in the world are her glasses.  She is a joy to be around.  Good thing there are two of takes both of us to try to remember everything we have to do.  Love all my friends there...join me in praying for Mr. Steele, my sweet friend's husband (she is our art teacher) who is struggling with leukemia.  She has a lot on her plate right now, and has for over a year.

I hope your week is full of joy and maybe some sunshine, looks like we are in for more crap, I mean snow.   Ha...

You are loved!

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