Saturday, September 8, 2012

Great day...parade in downtown Olathe....Jordan appears to be sleeping while marching...

Jarrett and his BIG drum

The entire band wore these arm bands to honor Rosa Bussard, our band director who suffered a spinal cord injury this summer and wasn't able to return to school this August.  You can read her story at Rosa'

And very, very good to see this good friend of mine...home to play soccer at MNU.  

Beautiful weather, great friends = Fantastic weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Marching band is taking over my life....

but wait till you see my little men in their uniforms.'ll see on Saturday!  You know you want to.

that is all.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I smiled today at a lady and she backed up and asked if she could tell me something...Of course I say yes..

Out pours her's sad and lonely and desperate.  She said she told me it was because I smiled at her.  You might say, stop being so nice.  It wasn't a long conversation, I think she was genuine.  She wasn't asking for money, she just needed to say things out loud.  I listened, prayed with her and then wondered did I do enough?  

I am always telling my youth and my boys to be the person who shares light with never know what is going on in someone's heart.  The hurt, the loneliness, depression, deep sorrow that someone is facing.  We are good at covering up the hurt aren't we?  

The Lord is good and gracious, rich in compassion....I'm trying to be the same.  

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Summer is over for us.  It was perfect and difficult and full of blessings all at the same time.  Here's why...

the most hopeful...

Doctors in St. Louis think Papa Bill is right where he's supposed to be! He even ate some pizza last week and has started walking and getting out and about.  It's been a long and difficult road, and we are done yet...but thanking the Lord for his goodness and faithfulness.

the hardest...

We lost this guy.  Leo had been with us since March of 1993.  19 years.  VERY long he became one of us.  Went to Springfield with us, stayed at Mama's house when we were gone, was in charge around here.  To not have Leo around us anymore is very strange.  And to have to experience putting him down was awful.  We miss him.

the biggest blessing...

This is Reyna.  She belongs to Henry and Estella in Mateare, Nicaragua.  Our adopted family in this little village.  My family has such a heart for the Nica's.  We enjoy each minute we are there.  It's hard to see them living like they do, but they are grateful for their lives, families, a relationship with Jesus.  A job, a copy of Scripture and time with us.  The things that really matter.   I struggle living in Johnson County...

the most fun (and seriously cool)

Camp Revolution!  500 and some worshipped hard, played hard and learned like crazy!  Best year of camp so far...

We participated in a program called Feed My Starving Children.  God worked out the nearly impossible details to get them to Arkansas and we surprised the kids on Thursday morning.  It was an incredible experience for them.  They made meals to feed the poverty stricken in countries like Nicaragua, Haiti or Niger.  109,000 meals made by our students in one day!  Children received them in Haiti and Niger!  How cool is that?  Hard to even explain the impact this had on some of our kids...

the most relaxing....(and most beautiful)

Siesta Key, Florida...notice this sand.  It was like flour...perfect!

We decided to visit Harry and Hermonie...saw Ron too.  He made it snow on my head.  Very cool.

Now we are back to school.  Blah.  But this summer will linger in my heart.....

Monday, April 16, 2012



 make it your ambition to lead a quiet life,to mind your own business...

to work with your hands,

so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

Our parents have taught us the honored characteristics of hard work, avoiding idleness, value of a dollar and treating with respect those we walk life with and work with.  1 Thess. 4:11-12 always reminds me of our parents and grandparents.  Brian and I are GRATEFUL for this legacy.  

But the quiet part....

Brian's dad...the quietest, gentlest man I know.

He has been diagnosed with cancer of the sinus cavities.  He is in the beginning stages of chemotherapy and radiation treatment in St. Louis and is struggling.  But we are so hopeful!  We will know more as the treatment begins to work.  For now, we are praying that Papa is comfortable, not in pain, and would feel our love, but mostly that he would feel God's presence.  I have seen the Lord work in so many ways thru cancer...and we are confident the Lord will be present and faithful to Bill.  He is able...we praise God for his life.  

You are so loved!