Monday, April 16, 2012



 make it your ambition to lead a quiet life,to mind your own business...

to work with your hands,

so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

Our parents have taught us the honored characteristics of hard work, avoiding idleness, value of a dollar and treating with respect those we walk life with and work with.  1 Thess. 4:11-12 always reminds me of our parents and grandparents.  Brian and I are GRATEFUL for this legacy.  

But the quiet part....

Brian's dad...the quietest, gentlest man I know.

He has been diagnosed with cancer of the sinus cavities.  He is in the beginning stages of chemotherapy and radiation treatment in St. Louis and is struggling.  But we are so hopeful!  We will know more as the treatment begins to work.  For now, we are praying that Papa is comfortable, not in pain, and would feel our love, but mostly that he would feel God's presence.  I have seen the Lord work in so many ways thru cancer...and we are confident the Lord will be present and faithful to Bill.  He is able...we praise God for his life.  

You are so loved!  


  1. Cancer is such an ugly thing. God luck with your journey..

  2. Sharla, what a sweet post...I know what an awful thing cancer can be, but I also know that God is bigger than that ugly word and am praying for your family and your boys Papa...Jeanne
